The Third Generation of Cell Culture Medium(Chromosome Karyotyping Medium)

The Third Generation of Cell Culture Medium(Chromosome Karyotyping Medium)

The Third Generation of Cell Culture Medium(Chromosome Karyotyping Medium)

The basic structure of chromosome culture tube in peripheral blood lymphocytes:

Structural composition: PET test tube (16*100 or 16*120), butyl rubber plug (tube cover), label, culture solution 5ml (improved RPMI1640 medium), preset 0.5-0.7ml negative pressure. 


Lingen peripheral blood lymphocyte culture medium, amniotic fluid cell culture medium and bone marrow cell culture medium with 7 major improvements, culture tube of 1 step blood collection culture, optimized cell culture formula and new design concept, to ensure the best mitotic index and chromosome morphology, committed to the field of cytogenetics.